GIT Getting Start
GIT is a distributed version control system. It keeps a database on every single node machine, not only on a remote server.
As shown in figure 1, there are several remote servers, such as Github, BitBucket, GitLab, Gogz, etc… Since every local node keeps a copy of the remote DB, can work with any issue, even the local node disconnect from the remote server and if the remote server crashed or something went wrong, easily can restore from local nodes without any issue. When comparing with other source code management systems like SVN, that is the biggest advantage.
Step 1: Download and install GIT
Step 2: Clone the GIT repository (download files from the remote server)
git clone <<remote URL>>
Step 3: after changes are done. need to add to the git before commit
git add .
. means all changed files
else you can add the relevant filename
git add <<file name>>
Step 4: commit changes (Which save data in local git server)
git commit -m “commit message”
Step 5: Push changes to the remote server
git push -u <<URL alias>> <<branch-name>>
ex: git push -u origin master