Spring boot containerized deployment in AWS EC2 in 10 steps
This tutorial explains about how to deploy spring boot application using docker in AWS EC2 instance.
As simply we are going create image locally and push it to docker hub. Then that image pull and deploy on Amazon EC2 instance.
Docker desktop
Maven installed on local machine
GIT installed on local machine
Docker hub account
AWS account
Step 1
Clone the sample spring boot project from GitHub https://github.com/KavinduGayan/ec2-docker.git or you can create your own spring boot project from spring initializr or any other prefer method.
Step 2
Run and verify the project, working or not.
Step 3
Build the project using “mvn clean package” command. Which creates the jar file in the target directory. (see figure 3)
mvn clean package
Step 4
Check the docker file. which is inside the ec2-docker directory.
#jdk version 8
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
#get jar file from target directory
ARG JAR_FILE=target/*.jar
#copy it to app.jar
COPY ${JAR_FILE} app.jar
#running commands/instructions
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]
Step 5
Now you can build the image using docker build command. -t means tag name <your_user_name>/<image_name> and “.” means all.
You can check and verify the image.
docker image ls
Since image has been created successfully. Now we can run that image for test and verify.
docker run -p 8080:8080 kavdoc93/docker-ec2-example
check and verify the http://localhost:8080/test.
Step 6
Now image is ready to push to the docker hub. Before push to the docker hub you have to login to the docker hub.(see figure 7)
docker login — —username=<user_id>
docker push kavdoc93/docker-ec2-example
After successful push any one can see the repository in the docker hub.
Next thing is creating a EC2 instance in AWS. I hope you guys are knowing these thing and which are not relevant to topic.
Step 7
I have created Amazon Linux 2 EC2 server and next step is installing the docker.
Amazon Linux 2
sudo amazon-linux-extras install dockerAmazon Linux.
sudo yum install dockersudo service docker start
sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
verify with new session
docker info
For more details for the docker installing on Amazon Linux. Please refer https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/docker-basics.html
Step 8
Now you can pull the image from docker hub. Before that you have to login (see step 6).
docker pull kavdoc93/docker-ec2-example
Step 9
Let’s check and run the image.
To run the image see the Step 5.
Step 10
Let’s check the result.
Please note that you have add inbound rules to allow 8080 port from EC2 security group.